8th ISAG

8th ISAG (18)

Quito, located on the Ecuadorian Andes at 2800 meters in elevation, is blessed with a spring-like climate most of the year. September is usually sunny, but afternoon thunderstorms can happen. Daytime temperatures of 20-25ºC, and 10-20ºC during the night are expected. Participant should be aware with the high altitude of the Quito. Travellers to the Amazon basin or the Pacific coastal area are might be surprised by the warm, but not hot daytime temperatures (25-35ºC), thanks to the frequent cloud cover. It is recommended that everyone bring a rain/wind breaker for daily use, especially for those thinking to attend the fieldtrips.

The local currency in Ecuador is the US dollar. Many exchange houses exist in Quito and credit cards are accepted in ATM.

Participants with reservations at the proposed hotel (Hotel Mercure Alameda Quito) will benefit of free transportation from the airport (September 22th and 23th). Please contact the organizing committee until September 10th (isag-payments@igepn.edu.ec) in order to arrange this service. Otherwise, there are numerous taxis available at the airport. Quito facilities and most hotels sit roughly 45 minutes away from the airport (one way main rate of 25-30 USD).

All medical attention in Ecuador is on a cash basis. You are encouraged to come to Ecuador with adequate insurance coverage. Participants who will be attending certain field trips should be aware of the high elevations that might be reached, and should take the necessary precautions.

We especially encourage contributions addressing the following topics:

(1) Mechanisms and processes of crustal thickening, uplift and deformation
(2) Modern and ancient volcanism and magmatism
(3) Interactions between climate, surface and lithospheric processes
(4) The seismic cycle and active deformation
(5) Sedimentary basins and petroleum geology
(6) Andean geological resources, mineral deposits and geothermal resources
(7) Geological hazard and risk, with emphasis on seismic, volcanic, and gravitational phe nomena

Each participant will be allowed one oral contribution as first author. Communications must be written in English and should be 1 page-long, including text and references. Abstracts should be submitted before May 15th 2019. In order to submit an Abstract, you should register to the conference by filling the corresponding Registration Form, and then you will receive a confirmation email with a link for submit your Abstract(s). If you wish to submit more than one Abstract, please use the same provided link.

Talks will last 12 minutes each, and will be followed by 3 minutes of discussion. For oral and poster sessions, the preferred language is English, although Spanish is also accepted. However, there will be no facilities for simultaneous translation. There will be a poster session each day (from 16h30 until 18h00). Posters will remain on display all day long. Maximum dimensions for posters are 80 cm in width (horizontal) and 110 cm in height (vertical).


As usual for this conference, we are planning a “plenary session” during the morning of the three days of the symposium, whereas the afternoon will be devoted to oral presentations in two simultaneous “thematic sessions”. The poster's presentations will take place at the end of each day. In addition, four 45-min-long Keynote talks are scheduled and covers different aspect of the Andean geology. The organizing committee kindly thank Ms. S. Mahlburg Kay, and M. P. Molnar, V.A. Ramos and E. Calais for accepting to give a keynote talk during the next ISAG.

We kindly ask you to check the ISAG webpage (www.igepn.edu.ec/8isag) in order to access the full programme and other additional information.

We also invite you to check the accepted abstracts at the following link: www.igepn.edu.ec/8isag-abstracts 


8th ISAG Schedule

8th ISAG Schedule

We received more than 250 abstracts for the 8th ISAG. The organizing committee distributed the oral and poster presentations based in the author’s preference as well as in the abstract’s contents. The accepted abstract concern most aspects of Andean geodynamics. Some editing was performed by the Organising Committee, however, we would underline the fact that authors are responsible for the quality of their abstract. The final distribution has been revised and accepted by the ISAG scientific advisory board. Final instructions and updates will be e-mailed to registered participants a few weeks before beginning of the symposium and posted on the ISAG webpage (www.igepn.edu.ec/8isag).


Plenary session

The Organizing committee choose a group of abstract to be presented as oral communications during the morning’s Plenary talks. These abstracts were selected following different criteria such as their broad implications on Andean geodynamics, as well as trying to respect a regional equilibrium.

Thematic Sessions

Based on the received abstract, the organizing committee organize them in several thematic sessions that include:

(1) Andean structure imaged by geophysical studies
(2) Tectonics and Basins
(3) Andean magmatism
(4) Active tectonics and deformation
(5) Seismology
(6) Andean volcanism.

Oral and poster presentations

Talks will last 12 minutes each and will be followed by 3 minutes of discussion. For oral and poster sessions, the preferred language is English, although Spanish is also accepted. However, there will be no facilities for simultaneous translation. We request that your presentation will be uploaded in two formats (pptx and pdf) the previous day of the talk. The organizing committee will install a technical desk close to the conference rooms.

In order to prepare the final program and avoid the potential “no-shows”, we kindly ask that the authors to check the tentative program, and report to us in the case that you cannot attend the meeting.

There will be a poster session each day (from 17h00 until 18h30). Posters will remain on display all day long. Maximum dimensions for posters are 80 cm in width (horizontal) and 110 cm in height (vertical). Poster orientation is portrait. Each poster will be numbered (please see the final programme) and must be hung at its corresponding place at 8:30 in the morning of the day planned for it.


8th ISAG

Photo by B. Bernard.


8th International Symposium on
Andean Geodynamics (ISAG)

You can download the up-to-date programme here.


The +6000 km-long Andean Cordillera represents a unique natural laboratory for studying the geological and geodynamical process associated with the construction and development of a continental mountain range. A decade after the last ISAG in Nice, we have decided to revive this unique symposium on Andean geology and geodynamics but also its related economical and social issues. Because these topics are of major importance for Andean countries, the 8th International Symposium on Andean Geodynamics (ISAG) will be held in Quito, Ecuador on September 24-26th, 2019.

The next ISAG is being organized by the Instituto Geofísico, Escuela Politécnica Nacional (IG-EPN) of Quito (Ecuador) and the French Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), and will be held on the Hotel Mercure Alameda Quito, the official hotel for the ISAG.

We expect that ~250 earth scientists will attend the conference. Given the number of submitted abstracts and the current level of registrations, we are confident that this symposium will be an exciting forum for scientific exchange between Earth scientists from South America, Europe, and North America.


Conference languages
For both, oral and poster sessions, the preferred language is English, although Spanish or French are also accepted. However, there will be no facilities for simultaneous translation.


In order to attend the 8th ISAG you should register as soon as possible by filling the following form: Registration Form.


Field trips
The organizing committee is planning some field trips in the region. All the information is in this page.


8th ISAG

Ecuadorian llamas at Tungurahua volcano. Photo by J. Battaglia.

Please send a message to isag@igepn.edu.ec or contact the local organizers.


With the academic and financial support of:


With the financial support of:

Embajada de Francia
Triboilgas       Raspberry Shake

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