8th ISAG

8th ISAG (18)


8th International Symposium on
Andean Geodynamics (ISAG)

You can download the up-to-date programme here.


The +6000 km-long Andean Cordillera represents a unique natural laboratory for studying the geological and geodynamical process associated with the construction and development of a continental mountain range. A decade after the last ISAG in Nice, we have decided to revive this unique symposium on Andean geology and geodynamics but also its related economical and social issues. Because these topics are of major importance for Andean countries, the 8th International Symposium on Andean Geodynamics (ISAG) will be held in Quito, Ecuador on September 24-26th, 2019.

The next ISAG is being organized by the Instituto Geofísico, Escuela Politécnica Nacional (IG-EPN) of Quito (Ecuador) and the French Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), and will be held on the Hotel Mercure Alameda Quito, the official hotel for the ISAG.

We expect that ~250 earth scientists will attend the conference. Given the number of submitted abstracts and the current level of registrations, we are confident that this symposium will be an exciting forum for scientific exchange between Earth scientists from South America, Europe, and North America.


Conference languages
For both, oral and poster sessions, the preferred language is English, although Spanish or French are also accepted. However, there will be no facilities for simultaneous translation.


In order to attend the 8th ISAG you should register as soon as possible by filling the following form: Registration Form.


Field trips
The organizing committee is planning some field trips in the region. All the information is in this page.


8th ISAG

Ecuadorian llamas at Tungurahua volcano. Photo by J. Battaglia.

Please send a message to isag@igepn.edu.ec or contact the local organizers.


With the academic and financial support of:


With the financial support of:

Embajada de Francia
Triboilgas       Raspberry Shake


We especially encourage contributions addressing the following topics:

(1) Mechanisms and processes of crustal thickening, uplift and deformation
(2) Modern and ancient volcanism and magmatism
(3) Interactions between climate, surface and lithospheric processes
(4) The seismic cycle and active deformation
(5) Sedimentary basins and petroleum geology
(6) Andean geological resources, mineral deposits and geothermal resources
(7) Geological hazard and risk, with emphasis on seismic, volcanic, and gravitational phe nomena

Each participant will be allowed one oral contribution as first author. Communications must be written in English and should be 1 page-long, including text and references. Abstracts should be submitted before May 15th 2019. In order to submit an Abstract, you should register to the conference by filling the corresponding Registration Form, and then you will receive a confirmation email with a link for submit your Abstract(s). If you wish to submit more than one Abstract, please use the same provided link.

Talks will last 12 minutes each, and will be followed by 3 minutes of discussion. For oral and poster sessions, the preferred language is English, although Spanish is also accepted. However, there will be no facilities for simultaneous translation. There will be a poster session each day (from 16h30 until 18h00). Posters will remain on display all day long. Maximum dimensions for posters are 80 cm in width (horizontal) and 110 cm in height (vertical).

El ISAG es un congreso que abarca todos los ámbitos de la geodinámica andina. Este congreso cuenta con la participación de investigadores, profesionales y estudiantes, con ponencias de alto nivel. Al ser un congreso internacional, los participantes vienen no sólo de América Latina, sino del mundo entero. Este congreso es una excelente oportunidad para presentar a su empresa. Nuestros Auspiciantes obtienen los beneficios para la presencia de su empresa, especialmente diseñados para esta edición.

Existen las siguientes categorías de auspicio:

ORO (US $5000)

    La empresa puede ubicar un banner de la empresa en la sala de conferencia.
    Logotipo de su empresa en conjunto por categoría en: programa de mano, plano de sede, gigantografía, folletos, roll screen.
    Logotipo haciendo link a la web de su empresa.
    A través de Facebook y correo masivo.
    Derecho a la instalación de un stand permanente en ubicación preferencial durante todo el congreso.
    Instalación de material promocional de su empresa en el Maletín del participante al congreso (1 unidad).
    10 inscripciones full pass al congreso.

PLATA (US $3000)

    La empresa puede ubicar un banner de la empresa en la sala de conferencia.
    Logotipo de su empresa en conjunto por categoría en: programa de mano, plano de sede, gigantografía, folletos, roll screen.
    Logotipo haciendo link a la web de su empresa.
    A través de Facebook y correo masivo.
    Derecho a la instalación de un stand permanente durante todo el congreso.
    Inclusión de material promocional de su empresa en el Maletín del participante al congreso (1 unidad).
    6 inscripciones full pass al congreso.

BRONCE (US $1000)

    Logotipo de su empresa en conjunto por categoría en: programa de mano, plano de sede, gigantografía , folletos, roll screen.
    Logotipo haciendo link a la web de su empresa.
    A través de Facebook y correo masivo.
    Derecho a la instalación de un stand permanente durante todo el congreso.
    Inclusión de material promocional de su empresa en el Maletín del participante al congreso (1 unidad).
    2 inscripciones full pass al congreso.


    La empresa puede ubicar su roll up en la sala del cocktail.
    La empresa puede distribuir material pubicitario al ingreso al evento.
    Logotipo de su empresa en boletín electrónico, programa de mano, gigantografía, roll screen y en el sitio web del evento, haciendo link a la web de su empresa.
    1 inscripción full pass al congreso.

Para obtenter mayor información, contactarse con la dirección isag@igepn.edu.ec.

8isag auspicios

Leaders: M Saillard, F. Michaud, P. Reyes, A. Cabero, Y. Font, M. Régnier, J.N. Proust, A. Cisneros, M.J. Hernandez (Géoazur and DG-EPN)

Dates: September 20th to 23th, 2019 (*)
(*) Due to flight’s reservations, we need people to sign up for this fieldtrip before June 3rd

Approx. cost: $ 680 This price includes hotel night in the 19th, air ticket to and from Manta, and boat tickets to and from the Isla de la Plata. This price does not include dinners.

Minimum number of participants: 15

Maximum number of participants: 30

Tectonic deformations, and in particular vertical movements, recorded by the coastal domain above the Ecuadorian subduction zone reflect a complex geological history. These vertical movements can be quantified at different time scales, at the short-term from the scale of the seismic cycle to many cumulated cycles (100 ka) to the long-term (Ma) by combining tectonic markers. In this fieldtrip, we propose to explore vertical movements through morpho-tectonic markers of coastal uplift (uplifted marine terraces) and sedimentary and stratigraphic markers of formation of the Coastal Cordillera (evolution of forearc basins). This fieldtrip will focus on Manta Peninsula and La Plata Island. The observed markers will be placed in their seismic, tectonic and geological context.

Please note that this fieldtrip will be done in spanish.


8th ISAG

Isla de la Plata. Photo by M. Saillard.

Leaders: P. Mothes and M.L. Hall (IGEPN)

Dates: September 21th and 22th, 2019

Departure: September 21th at 08:00.

Field Trip nights included: September 21th

Notes: Nights of September 20th and 22th are included at the Mercure hotel (shared basis)

If you are interested in participate in this fieldtrip, please contact our logistical team at isag-payments@igepn.edu.ec


Cotopaxi volcano is one of the most active and iconic stratovolcanoes of the Ecuadorian Andes. Its history covers more than 0.5 Ma and includes the rhyolitic explosive deposits of its Pleistocene volcanic history, including the (~200 ka, 100 km3 ) Chalupas ignimbrite. During this fieldtrip, we will also observe the eruptive products of the last 7000 ka, that includes rhyolitic tephra fallout and pyroclastic flow deposits, debris avalanche and lahar deposits, and the historical scoria flows and debris flows deposits.


8th ISAG

Ash emission from Cotopaxi volcano during the 2015 eruptive phase. Photo by B. Bernard

Leaders: S. Baize (IRSN), L. Audin (IRD), A. Alvarado (IG-EPN) and H. Jomard (IRSN)

Dates: September 20th to 23th, 2019

Departure: September 20th at 07:30.

Field Trip nights included: September 20th, 21th & 22th

Notes: Night of Sept. 19 is included at the Mercure hotel (shared basis)

If you are interested in participate in this fieldtrip, please contact our logistical team at isag-payments@igepn.edu.ec


The Chingual-Cosanga-Pallatanga-Puna fault system is a major tectonic feature of the northern Andes, which accommodates the relative displacement (8 mm/a) between the North Andean Sliver and the South America Plate (Alvarado et al., 2016). The fault system imprints are strikingly similar to those of other major continental fault zones in the world. It includes a series of parallel or branching active fault strands, which historical activity is suggested by major and damaging earthquakes since at least the 17th century (Yepes et al., 2016).

During this 4-days field trip, we plan to present, among other short stops, the most prominent geomorphological and geological evidences of fault activity along this system, including surface ruptures associated with moderate and large magnitude earthquakes. We will have a look at Quito fault zone (Alvarado et al., 2014), then drive to the south in order to get an overview of recently studied active faults. We will have a look at the Pallatanga fault in Rumipamba where the first trenches in Ecuador were performed to find back the source of 1797 M7.5+ Riobamba earthquake (Baize et al; 2015) and drive uphill to the Pisayambo Laguna area where a M5 earthquake ruptured the fault system up to the surface (Champenois et al., 2017). We will also make a detour to the Igualata volcano summit (4500m) to observe a surface rupture, which is probably associated with the major Riobamba earthquake (Baize et al., in prep).


8th ISAG

Trench studied at Pallatanga Fault. Photo by A. Alvarado.

Leaders: R.A. Spikings (U. Genève), B. Beate (DG-EPN)

Dates: September 20th to 23th, 2019

Departure: September 20th at 07:00.

Field Trip nights included: September 20th, 21th & 22th

Notes: Night of September 19th is included at the Mercure hotel (shared basis)

If you are interested in participate in this fieldtrip, please contact our logistical team at isag-payments@igepn.edu.ec


The Eastern Cordillera of Ecuador is an Andean trending magmatic and metamorphic belt that exposes rocks spanning from the Palaeozoic basement to the modern active arc, and records the early disassembly of Pangaea in the Triassic, subsequent prolonged Jurassic - Early Cretaceous active margin magmatism during hyper-extension, and the collision and accretion of the Caribbean Large Igneous Province in the late Cretaceous. The field trip plans to make the following stops: (1) Ammonite bearing quartzites and slates of the Chaucha Block, which is considered to be para-autochthonous continental crust that rifted from South America during Early Cretaceous hyper-extension (stop close to the town of Alausi); (2) The Peltetec sequence, which is a tectonic melange that hosts ultra-mafic and mafic lithologies, which range in age from Neoproterozoic to Early Cretaceous, and is considered to have formed during the closure of an Early Cretaceous basin that was floored by a transitional mafic crust; (3) Tungurahua Volcano, which is part of the modern arc and has been continually erupting since 1999 until the mid-2016; (4) A west-to-east traverse across the Cordillera, where we will cross Triassic anatectites that formed during a rift-to-drift transition, and Jurassic-Early Cretaceous arc rocks that formed in a prevailing extensional setting.


8th ISAG

Sheared metasedimentary rocks of the Alao-Paute Arc, unconformably overlain by basaltic lavas of Volcano Tungurahua. (Town of Baños). Photo by R. Spikings.

Leader: M. Mulas (ESPOL)

Dates: September 20th to 23th, 2019 (*)
(*) Due to flight’s reservations, we need people to sign up for this fieldtrip before June 3rd

Approx. cost: $ 600.

Minimum number of participants: 15

Maximum number of participants: 35

The southern sector of Ecuador (between 2°S and 6°S) has been characterized by intense magmatic activity in the period comprised between Oligocene and Miocene (Hungerbuhler et al. 2002). The volcanic sequence in the Pucará-Santa Isabel sector is composed by the Saraguro Fm. (26-21 Ma) followed by the St. Isabel Fm. (18 – 7.6 Ma) and closed by the Tarqui Fm. (6.3 Ma). These volcanic formations, made principally of welded ignimbrites, show large lithofacies variability (boulder size to lapilli size lithics, crystal rich to fiamme-rich ignimbrites) that reflects different PDC run-out and principally different sources. Stratigraphic and geomorphologic constraints allow to locate calderas structures (mean diameter 13 x 7-km) related with the Jubones and Santa Isabel ignimbritic eruptions.


8th ISAG

Fm. Jubones and Fm. Santa Isabel. Observation of fiammae and vithophyre. Photo by M. Mulas.

Leaders: O. Poma (Cornerstone Ecuador S.A.), Arturo Egüez (DG-EPN)

Dates: September 27th to 30th, 2019 (*)
(*) Due to flight’s reservations, we need people to sign up for this fieldtrip before June 3rd.
NOTE: If you want to participate in this fieldtrip and in a pre-conference field trip, please contact the organizing commitee.

Approx. cost: $660

Minimum number of participants: 15

Maximum number of participants: 20

The cretaceous Alamor-Lancones basin is located into the Huacabamba deflection, a geographic region which represents the transition between Central to Northern Andes, where the Cordillera change from NW to NE trend. The basin is limited by Triassic metamorphic blocks, the Amotape-Tahuin to the northwest and the Loja Terrane to the Southeast.

The Alamor-Lancones basin can be divided into a northwestern quartz-rich domain and a southeastern volcaniclastic domain (Jaillard et al, 1999). The earliest volcanism accompanying rifting is dominated by basaltic pillow lavas and breccias with related VMS deposits formed between 104 to 100 Ma. A second phase of felsic-rich volcanism with ages of 99 to 91 Ma intercalated and overlain by siliciclastic and carbonate sedimentary sequences in northwestern section of the basin (Winter, 2008), at this time the Bramaderos porphyry was deposited (Schutte, 2010) and possible related epithermal vein systems at its borders.

The aim of the field trip is go through the basin from the northwest area in the contact between metamorphic rocks and overlain sedimentary western domain toward the southeastern domain where dominated volcanism with porphyry and epithermal deposits are present on the upper sequences and ending in the lower basaltic sequences.


8th ISAG

Volcaniclastics and sediments near Bramaderos porphyry with strong argillic to phyllic alteration, cutting by late mineral andesitic dykes. Outcrop in the pan american highway. Photo by Osman Poma.

Different groups working in Ecuador proposed several pre-symposium fieldtrips. The logistics of these fieldtrips is being assured by our local logistics team following the requests from each field-trip leader. We should stress that the scientific part of these fieldtrips is also under the responsibility of the fieldtrip leaders.

The cost of each field trip includes bus and/or air transport, lodging in double occupancy rooms, breakfast, box-lunch, and field guides. These prices do not include dinners. All taxes are included. Given that there are logistic limitations, the number of participants will be restricted.

Field trips will start from the official Hotel Mercure. Please be ready to go 20 minutes before departure time.

Note: Participants are advised that we will be at high elevations, up to 4500 m above sea level (asl). Please be sure that your health is compatible with being at these altitudes. Above 3000 m asl, temperatures will generally be between 5 – 20°C; driving rain and strong winds are possible. Sunscreen, hats, and adequate clothing are necessities. Water and lunch will be provided in the field. The organizing committee will not be responsible for any accidents that might occur during the trip. Participants are recommended to have their own health and travel insurance.

8th ISAG

Lava flow from Cotopaxi Volcano. Photo by D. Andrade

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